Wednesday, 14 September 2011

廖佩伶 Linda Liao

ESL StarCraft II Female Champion Linda Liao Joins Team Razer
Razer announces its sponsorship of the multi-talented celebrity-gamer at the Taipei Game Show 2011

Taipei Game Show, Taiwan, February 18, 2011 –  Razer, the world’s leading precision gaming brand today, has now addedStarCraft II’s top female player and Taiwanese artiste Linda Liao to its stable of professional gamers. This sponsorship deal represents Razer’s interest in Taiwan’s vibrant eSports scene, following its collaboration with Taiwan’s top gaming team Wayi Spider last year.

 “We’re very pleased to announce our sponsorship of Linda Liao, who has proven herself to be an excellent pro-gamer, as well as a celebrity in her own right,” says Min-Liang Tan, CEO and Creative Director of Razer. “Female pro players are rare in the field, and Linda is at the very top of the ranks. We’re proud to have her represent our StarCraft II peripherals, and welcome her warmly to Team Razer.”
“I’ve been a fan of Razer products for a long time; they design the best gaming peripherals, which give me the competitive edge in my game,” says Linda.  “To me, the collaboration with Razer is a mutual one, and becoming an official member of Team Razer is a like a dream come true!”
An avid gamer, Linda started playing StarCraft II competitively in early 2010. Her passion for gaming and dedication finally paid off with an epic showdown in the final of the Electronic Sports League (ESL) Starcraft II female championship later that year. Linda “Pikachu” Liao emerged the Grand Champion after beating 31 other opponents - cementing her place firmly in the gaming community.
An avid gamer, Linda’s StarCraft II records are mindboggling. She has clocked in over 800 ladder matches excluding those on European servers to refine her skills, matched with hours of watching South Korean pro-gamer replays. Her APM (Actions Per Minute) hovers at an average of 220, a figure she’s constantly improving upon. To gain a further advantage, she studies online forums to gather tips and hints from other StarCraft enthusiasts. As a result of her dedication she has mastered the Protoss race, showing an uncanny understanding of the race coupled with an intrinsic knowledge of the game.
With her newfound partnership with Razer, Linda now has the opportunity to further improve her game and become a true StarCraftlegend.

Razer & Linda Liao Image Links  

About the Razer Group:
Razer™ is more than just the world’s leading brand in high-end precision gaming products, perpetually defining the gaming and technology space.  Founded in 1998 in Carlsbad, California, Razer is driven by the ceaseless pursuit for absolute precision and high usability in a distinctive, aesthetic design that will give gamers the edge they demand.  With labs and offices in seven cities around the world, Razer dedicates user interface research and development to bring cutting-edge technology to each and every product.  We live by our motto: For Gamers. By Gamers.
For more information, please visit
I guess this is pretty new but Linda Liao “pikachu” has joined Team Razer. If you didn’t know she’s a diamond player ranked #1 in the league (before masters were out I guess she is probably a master now) as well as winning the ESL female tournament where she had to beat out 31 other opponents (according to the source below, might be less).

As Razer’s site ‘delicately’ puts it:
She’s a versatile celebrity and she can kick your ass.
“I’ve been a fan of Razer products for a long time; they design the best gaming peripherals, which give me the competitive edge in my game,” says Linda. “To me, the collaboration with Razer is a mutual one, and becoming an official member of Team Razer is like a dream come true!”
She has an APM of about 220, which is also similar to what the other pro Korean player Fruit Dealer recommends players to have. As mentioned before she’s a protoss player, although the Pikachu picture of her is in a terran marine suit.
In their interview video she speaks english with chinese subtitles, I guess because she is from Taiwan and Razer intends to simultaneously reach both the english speaking markets as well as the growing chinese markets of China, Taiwan and Asia.
She sure played the entire gamut of Blizzard games from Diablo to Warcraft to Starcraft of course. She talks about trying to craft your own creative strategies and attempt to figure out the execution of the start in Starcraft. She beat her brother’s friends in a 2 v 4, I guess its her brother and her v 4 of her brothers friends.
She says she can play 10 hours a day on weekdays and 4-5 hours a day on weekdays, which is quite a lot!
If you want to meet her, she invites you to challenge her on the US, EU and TW servers!
You can check it out at the link here
I guess you could go and tweet it to the world as it has 0 tweet when i checked,and  only 30 facebook likes.


Linda Liao is a Taiwanese singer, actress, MTV Mandarin VJ and professional gamer. She went to Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Liao is a celebrity most famous in her native Taiwan as the host of the weekly Top 20 show on MTV Chinese.

Name: Linda Liao
Real name: Liao Pei Ling
Profession: Singer, actress, VJ and host
Birthdate: 1981-May-24
Star sign: Libra
Chinese zodiac: Rooster
Blood type: O
Birthplace: Taiwan
Height: 168cm
Weight: 42kg

Linda ‘Pikachu’ Liao Joins Team Razer

Team Razer, following their signing of BoxeR and his team, SlayerS, has picked up one of the better known and no doubt the most popular female Starcraft II players out there at the moment, Linda ‘Pikachu’ Liao. Linda Liao (born on the 24th of May, 1981) is a celebrity model, singer and actress. This Taiwanese native came to fame through notable film performances and multiple features on well-known lifestyle magazines. Linda also has a wide range of television appearances from music videos to being a video jockey (VJ) for MTV Mandarin. Yet under all the fame and glamor of Linda lies a unique passion.

Linda is not just a celebrity, off-camera she’s also a professional gamer that kicks ass. And lots of it. She has been making quite a name for herself in the Starcraft II scene, as I mentioned a few weeks ago by winning one of the all-female ESL Cups and managing a #1 Diamond rank back before Masters was all the rage. I gotta say, the guys and girls from Team Razer seem to have made quite an acquisition here, yes indeed. Linda really fits the part and definitely looks good in that Razer gear. If you want to read more about Linda, see even more images and watch an interview she did with Razer, you can find it all in the links below


廖佩伶(廖佩伶、 廖语晴),英文名:Linda,出生于1981年5月24日,擅长RAP表演、唱歌、跳舞、球类运动。台湾台北>永和网溪国小毕业加拿大Collingwood中学毕业*目前就读加拿大皇后大学三年级。曾经在可伶可俐2支CF主角演出*佺格七味茶广告主题曲主唱及代言人。

职业:演员 歌手
代表作品:《白色巨塔》 《樱野三加一》《爱就宅一起》《闪亮的日子》

高中排球队也曾受美国邀请到美国比赛*加拿大Collingwood中学Hip-Hop比赛第一名(模仿新好男孩)*舞台剧表演:Camelot、The West Side Story、The Lion King…*学校合唱团主唱,并随学校合唱团前往澳洲、英国、苏格兰、香港、台湾巡回演唱*高三担任全校学生代表*国、高中持续赢得滑铁卢大学(Waterloo University)所办的数学竞赛的Top 5%高分(共得五年)*大学时期得过许多篮球(女子3对3斗牛)的冠亚军皇后大学台湾同学会(QTEC)的节目统筹
家庭成员:爸爸廖治德,妈妈廖詹明英,兄弟廖伟铭、廖伟翔,女儿廖佩伶(Linda) 现职台湾欣欣晶华影城董事长、台湾花莲蝴蝶谷渡假村董事长、台北市电影戏剧公会理事长、台湾电影发展基金会董事长廖治德,经营台湾板桥万国戏院起家,至今拥有全台14家电影院,有台湾影城大亨”之称,曾主办2007年、2008年金马奖。
MV作品:戴佩妮 《淡水河边》
方炯镔 《坏人》
与韩国神话组合成员合唱并拍摄MV《forever love》

廖Linda 座右铭

Follow your Dream!Just Do It!

廖Linda 兴趣

最欣赏的男歌手:Justin Timberlake
最欣赏的女歌手:Christina Aguilera
最喜欢的电影:Lord of the Rings(魔戒)
最喜欢的颜色:Blue & White


来自台湾、具有艺人身分的选手廖佩玲LINDA(游戏昵称 Pikachu)在第二届欧洲电子竞技联盟《星际争霸 2》女子杯(ESL SC2goesFemale #2)于欧洲时间 10 月 31 日击败捷克选手取得冠军,为台湾女性玩家首度获得《星海争霸 2》国际比赛冠军宝座。
ESL 为欧洲最大、历史最久的电子竞技联盟,旗下举办多样化的电子竞技项目,包括《星际争霸 2》女子杯比赛。
《星际争霸 2》 女子杯比赛为 1 对 1 的比赛,共比 Xel'Naga Caverns, Steppes of War, Lost Temple,Jungle Basin, Shakuras Plateau 等五张地图,此次吸引德国、美国、土耳其、丹麦、保加利亚、法国、捷克、波兰等 14 个国家、31 名选手参赛。
LINDA 出过专辑,也参与过《闪亮的日子》、《白色巨塔》等演出。目前在《星际争霸 2》 1v1、2v2、3v3、4v4 都取得钻石的LINDA,从《星际争霸 2》 女子杯比赛预赛起一路过关斩将,接连击败奥地利选手 precious、瑞典选手 Madde、瑞典选手 Laejten 挺进四强,随后在四强赛事中打败土耳其选手 Amaterasu,进入总决赛。在三战两胜冠军战中,LINDA 以二胜一败战绩击败捷克对手 Dzejna、抱回冠军宝座,而她的坚强实力也引起国际玩家的注目。

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